“Lorina in Hollywoodland” - synopsis:
This project, “Lorina in Hollywoodland,” is a suite of 20 etchings ( a select number of proofs are hand-painted with watercolor) and accompanying photos and text about a young woman growing up in the neighborhood of Hollywood in Los Angeles in the 1980’s.
Partly inspired by “Alice in Wonderland,” my title comes from the name of Alice Liddell’s older teenage sister who was also in the boat when Lewis Carroll first told the story.
20 etchings and 20 photographs with accompanying semi- narrative text.
(the first 10 are on my archived site)
#10: When outside they rolled in the grass under the stars. With the collar on she had felt the rush of being back at a wine tasting at the gay man's house. One of his friends introduced himself as "Bartholomew Samswitch Lipton, WASP."
Etching #10 from the suite "Lorina in Hollywoodland" from 2007- 2010 with text
photo #10 with text from “Lorina in Hollywoodland”
#11: They bolted out of there as the guys were starting to put on drag and makeup, but they grabbed a couple of gold lame' evening gowns to wear after they got out.
Etching #11 from the suite "Lorina in Hollywoodland" from 2007- 2010
#15: She had an alarm clock (named T.C.) that was half coo-coo clock but with 4 legs like feline paws. At 11:00 a.m. it squawked loudly to rouse her.
Etching #15 from the suite "Lorina in Hollywoodland" from 2010- each of 20 different etchings are 7" x 10" (image area)